• Managed services single

    Managed services single

Facilitator Training for 360° feedback

For many people the opportunity to work through their feedback with a trained facilitator increases both the impact and the value of the information for the individual and the return on investment for the organisation. Some customers – particularly larger organisations – choose to develop internal teams of 360° feedback facilitators to undertake this role.

We can help by designing and delivering facilitator training workshops specifically tailored to your 360° feedback project, your people and your own organisation.

Training your people

Many feedback facilitators are already experienced L&D professionals and are quite familiar with the principles of feedback, coaching and mentoring.

Our core one day 360 facilitator workshop is designed for these people. It provides an opportunity to understand the 360 system, it’s purpose in context of your own 360 project and a clear understanding how to interpret the 360 reports and manage an effective feedback meeting.

A typical workshop would include:

  • Aims and objectives for the 360 project
  • An overview of the online system
  • Report interpretation
  • Feedback management
  • Creating compelling actions
  • Identifying organisational learning

In some circumstances customers want to train a wider group of managers to use 360° feedback and to facilitate the feedback meetings. For these groups we offer a broader two-day training with a greater focus on coaching behaviours and practical management of feedback. The course is interactive and focuses on creating experience of interpreting and facilitating feedback. It is built around your people’s specific needs and tailored to the aims and objectives of your 360° feedback project.

For details of our practitioner training events please click here.

Next open Practitioner Workshop 28th May 2015 – Leamington Spa