Your Appraisal360 – online 360° feedback report explained

Your online report is in three straightforward sections:

  • Competency Summary – shows how your self perception matches up with what others say for each of the main competencies.
  • Competency Detail – breaks down each competency and shows individual feedback scores against each question.
  • Free Type Questions – where you can read the comments that other people have made and compare them against your own thoughts

Your report is available online as soon as the last questionnaire has been completed – and it’s printer friendly so you can print it straight off your browser if you wish. You can also export the data as a PDF document (download a sample) or into an Excel spreadsheet if you want to work on it some more. And because it’s generated online you can update it at any time. If you want to add an additional respondent into the mix you can – and your report will be re-generated once he or she has completed the questionnaire.

Section 1. Competency Summary

360 degree feedback report format - competency summary

  • Overview of the main competencies.
  • Compares at-a-glance your self perception with the feedback from your respondents
  • Sequenced with the highest score at the top and the lowest at the bottom


Section 2. Competency Detail – repeated for each competency

360 degree feedback report format - competency in detail

  • Breaks down each competency in turn to show underlying detail.
  • Shows self score, average feedback score and individual responses for each question.
  • Individual responses are presented in a random order to preserve anonymity.
  • Individual responses are colour coded (optional) to show the relationship between the respondent and the appraisee.
  • Sequenced to show highest score at the top, lowest at the bottom.


Section 3. Free Type Questions

360 degree feedback report - free text questions

  • Free format written comments.
  • Compares feedback with appraisee’s own thoughts
  • Brings out good points and bad points equally.
  • Comments reproduced in a random order to help preserve anonymity.